Founding partner of Undiscovered Worlds Press, Stephanie Healey—Hopwood, died on 11th September 2007—on the eve of Ramadan and Rosh Hashanah. Auspicious timing for her spiritual nature.

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A yearning toward the frontier of the unknown is part of human nature, perhaps man will no longer be man when the last mystery is gone. Man's greatest achievements arise from this desire to solve mysteries.

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The seekers search for enlightenment

The pilgrim's journey for light and healing

The world traveler's quest for mysterious ports of call

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Undiscovered Worlds Press is an online publisher specializing in books and articles dealing with: Spirituality, Speculative Archaeology, Ancient Mysteries, Ancient Civilizations, Personal Accounts of dealing with the Miraculous, Aspects of Subud Culture, Childrens Books. In fact, any subject that reveals or expresses an Undiscovered World. Our aim is to publish material that uplifts and nourishes the human spirit.

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